Recently, Sydney Aviculturalist Murray McPherson bred the world first cinnamon – pastel mutation in the Scarlet–chested parrot.
This was the result of combining a cinnamon mutation with a pastel mutation bird. Australia is the only country in the world with pastel mutation in Scarlet–chested parrots. Murray was also the originator of the cinnamon mutation in Australia.

Photo 1. chick at 25 days. Photo 2. hen at 6 weeks. Photo 3. hen at 5 months
History of the development of the cinnamon mutation in Australia
In 2010, Murray Macpherson got quite a surprise when looking into a nest of Scarlet-Chested parrots to find two unusual coloured chicks, beside two normal coloured chicks.
Murray had been breeding Scarlet-chested parrots since 1977 and had maintained a family of normal coloured birds. He has rarely brought in any outside birds and then when he did, he was careful to select only normal coloured birds. The sire was bred down from his original family so the youngster must be a spontaneous mutation.
The following year, 2011, both coloured hens were paired to normal coloured cocks and bred several normal young, both cocks and hens. The normal coloured sibling were also paired to normal coloured birds the hens only produced normal coloured birds but several of the cocks over the next year or two produced coloured hens.
At first, he thought they could be pastel coloured birds but as the bird matured their flight feathers were brown. A pastel has grey flights.
pastel hen. Parents: hen—cinnamon/pastel. Cock—double split, cinnamon & pastel
This confirmed that he had produced a sex-linked mutation. The most likely sex-linked mutation was cinnamon. An additional confirmation was when the well know European neophema breeder Hans Van Roogan visited me and I took him to Murray’s to view his birds. He had no doubt that they were a cinnamon mutation.
The Cinnamon mutation affects the colour of the normal bird by preventing the conversion of brown pigment into black pigment (incomplete melanogenesis). Cinnamon is always sex-linked in inheritance.
The one difficulty with a sex-linked mutation is that the progeny of a split cock with a normal hen are only possibly split for cinnamon. So many of the cocks produced had to be test mated to determine if they were split to cinnamon.
In 2013 I acquired two possible split cocks from Murray. After test mating, one of these cocks turned out to be split cinnamon. In the follow year I acquired several more split cocks from Murray to pair to my cinnamon hens.
Over the next few years we swapped various birds to maintain genetic diversity. We also crossed cinnamon birds with blue mutation birds and bred a lovely soft coloured blue bird. Unlike the pastel blue mutation it does not darken after the first moult.

Cinnamon-WF blue cock
In 2016 we both bred a cinnamon cock bird. These are only produced by pairing a cinnamon hen with either a cinnamon cock or a split cinnamon cock bird.
They have been very elusive, only a few have been bred to-date.
The next challenge is to combine cinnamon with other mutations, such as fallow, violet or Khaki.
You must only look at the multiple mutations available in the humble Australia budgerigar.
For Sale. Scarlet-chested parrot mutations, cinnamon hens and split cocks
Contact Paul Henry or phone 0408 617686
I have some of the same. Have cinnamon hen, cinnamon-wf blue hen (2), had a cinnamon full red fronted cock bird but he died. Pastel cock, and normal pair, full redfronted male and normal redfronted female which are giving me the cinnamon.
Oooh exciting. Any progeny yet?
Tried entering this before but failed. To date and after Googling for the name I now know I have 3 Cinnamon-Pastel Mutation and 4 Cinnamon – White Fronted Blues. The two pairs producing these are sitting again. 12/12/2020.
can neophrema hens be split.
Both sexes can indeed be split
I had that mutation back in mid eighties when I bred splendid. I had large collection of numerous mutations that I imported from Belgium to the United States that Willy DeHert sent me.
Beautiful birds! I’m very interested in bird genetics as I have a budgie with a previously (publicly) unseen feather mutation. The breeder has 2 more that display it partially (rump only).
Mine has it all over. It is a grouping of the terminal barbules on each body and head feather that look like each feather has a vibrant ‘tail.’
I can direct anyone who wants to see pics to Instagram link and budgie forums.(@octavioizidoroconure IG)
Gorgeous Turquoise. Good luck on your breeding journey! ❤????
Wonderful to see